Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Canada International®

Odette Novielli

People's Choice Award

1.Tell us why anyone would want come to your hometown?
Passion! I am passionate about everything I do and say! Passion is my way of life! Gratitude comes in as a close second. I am so grateful for everyday’s blessings.

2.What are the (2) most important things in your closet and why?
Modern Family. With very little time for watching television I choose this time wisely for a good laugh.

3.What do you love to cook and why?
I am too trustworthy, being the way I am I choose to see only the beauty and good in people. It is only a bad thing when I am mistaken and it backfires.

4.If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do?
“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napolean Hill. I truly live by this and am a perfect example that only we set our limitations. I believe the sky is the limit.

5.Describe the dirtiest job you have ever had to do?
Every day is my favorite day! I am grateful every single morning for having another day to live, love, give back and pursue my dreams passionately.

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