Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Southwest International®

Lauri Rottmayer

People's Choice Award


I love coffee! Some reports will tell you it’s bad for you and some will tell you that it’s good for you. I choose to believe the latter. I drink my coffee dark and black. Just pure coffee. I love the study of the different taste profiles found in different beans and the process of cupping. I call myself a coffee achiever!

I’m a power lifter. I love being strong and training with the heavy weights makes me happy. I have a goal to break the world record for my age division. Although I’m sure achieving that goal is down the road a piece, the goal drives me. I want to show other women my age that they don’t just have to sit around getting old when they are able to stay vibrant and healthy.

My favorite color is green because I see it as the color of health. As a vegan, I eat a plant based diet which includes plenty of greens. I’m one of the healthiest people I know. I love to encourage people to eat their greens and see what a difference it makes in how they feel. It doesn’t hurt that emeralds and dollars are green, either!

WALKING is my favorite! Eleven years ago, my husband and I headed out the door to discuss a family situation in private and we haven’t stopped since. Not only did walking help us to have some privacy for talking, it gave us time alone to just be us, and it made us really healthy! Since then, I’ve encouraged everyone I meet to improve their healthy by walking for 30 minutes daily.

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